Pink Runtz
About Pink Runtz
People work now more than they’ve ever worked before. And it doesn’t help that our phones and computers give us access to work all the time. You may not even notice the stress building up, consuming your mood in the low-level rain clouds of your thoughts, always the next shift or the latest project or another thing you forgot. There’s no better reason to give Pink Runtz a try than to trade a buildup of stress for a blast of unfocused happiness.
Pink Runtz was bred in-house by CopyCat Genetics from Zkittlez and Gelato strains. Cali is the only place you can get the Runtz variants for now, but their buzzy, happiness-inducing effects are becoming so well-known that this may change soon.
Typical EffectsHappy Relaxed Euphoric | Common UsagePain Depressed Traumatic Stress |
THC Content
When you take a drag of Pink Runtz, especially if you bring negative, work-stressed, racing thoughts to the table, the strain goes hard to work at blowing your brain up into a happy balloon. Its 24% THC average begins to move those thoughts to the side in exchange for a loss of focus, a rush of cerebral certainty, and a feeling of strange giddiness. And that’s not all (TV announcer voice).
The thing that most draws people to Pink Runtz is what comes after: a physical, tingly buzz that fights pain in your entire body. Kicking back on Pink Runtz, especially for people with chronic pain conditions, can be an incredible relief. If you find yourself driving your mind to depressing places, rooming with your PTSD and chronic stress while your mood swings bang on the door because they need to use your bathroom, Pink Runtz may be the authority that gets your house in order.
Those who suffer from appetite loss and nausea can also enjoy Pink Runtz to get themselves eating again. Users report a taste that lingers like sour candy, with a kind of zesty undertone. The aroma is mild, so the strain has become a favorite of people who want to smoke without the whole world knowing. Pink Runtz isn’t shy visually, though, sporting a chroma of every rainbow color imaginable from its purple and blue leaves out to the dark pinks of its edges. Its trichomes come in thick as frost.
When you have to chase away the pain, you might as well do it with cherry berry fruity sweety candy rainbow goodness. Pink Runtz brings all of the above to the table. All you have to bring is the stress you want it to kill.
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