

Very High
Very Low
50% Hybrid
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About Banjo

Banjo is a hybrid with a very pungent aroma and well-balanced effects. A cross between Boost and Colorado Seed’s Tangelo, the strain can be enjoyed in a wide variety of settings. Although its tangy flavor can be somewhat divisive, there’s no disputing the entertaining and therapeutic properties of Banjo’s high. Its THC content has been measured at between 18% and 28%.

Banjo’s flowers are distinguished by their exceptionally large size and solid, conical formation. These buds have the internal structure more typical of indicas, with small leaves that twist tightly inward on themselves, creating a dense core. The leaves themselves are a vivid shade of lime green and are punctuated by a few curly orange pistils. Finally, dewy white trichomes cover all visible nooks and crannies, making these flowers difficult to break up without the help of a grinder.

Typical Effects





Common Usage


ADHD Symptoms

ADHD Symptoms


THC Content











When properly cured, flowers of Banjo have a uniquely sharp aroma, marked by notes of gasoline; some consumers also compare the scent to that of stinky cheese. Grinding up or breaking apart these buds, meanwhile, may reveal some bitter and skunky odors. When combusted in a pipe or a joint, Banjo’s bold flavors combine in a sour smoke that can sear the sinuses, making eyes water. On the exhale, this smoke leaves behind a sour and mildly fruity taste.

Banjo doesn’t take much time before getting to work, unleashing head-focused effects sometimes before stunned users have even had a chance to exhale. Some initial sensations like pulsing in the temples and a stimulation of the salivary glands may signal that the strain is doing its job. As these strange tics dissipate, smokers may notice a change in their patterns of thinking. Certain ideas may seem more intense or compelling than they ordinarily would; for some, this cerebral stimulation can lead to talkativeness, especially if Banjo is shared in buzzy social settings. The strain may also spark reveries of automatic free association between seemingly unrelated concepts. All this mental engagement can allow motivates consumers to get work done on anything from complex analytical projects to open-ended brainstorms. For those who aren’t quite as productive, though, Banjo can simply provide some mellow background amusement.

After some time, Banjos tuned-in mental properties begin to give way to a palpable sense of physical calm. Smokers may find themselves freed of any nagging pains or soreness and may even be able to breathe more deeply and easily. Although users may still be able to concentrate or carry on lucid conversations at this point in the high, they may lack some of their earlier energy. As such, Banjo’s later stages are better spent lounging in comfortable surroundings enjoying a good movie or a few snacks. Because of its slow decline into relaxation, Banjo is recommended for afternoon or nighttime consumption.

Banjo’s multifaceted high can be as medically valuable as it is recreationally entertaining. For one, the strain’s cerebral onset can aid focus on those with attention deficit disorders. Additionally, its elevated mood may temporarily relieve the difficulties associated with mild to moderate stress and depression. On the other hand, Banjo’s physical effects can help take the sting out of lingering aches and pains, whether temporary or serious and disease-related. Anti-inflammatory properties, meanwhile, may address minor discomforts like cramps and headaches. Because of its risk of paranoid, hyperactive thinking, Banjo is not recommended for patients who are prone to panic or who have a low THC tolerance.

Unfortunately for home growers, seeds of Banjo are not available for sale online. Instead, those looking to cultivate their own should obtain clippings from mature, healthy plants of the strain. These can be propagated as “clones” and can be grown in controlled indoor conditions or in a hot, humid climate outdoors. Plants have an indica-inflected appearance with short, bushy stature and strong lateral branches. Banjo tends to reach flowering maturity within 8 to 9 weeks. Finally, Banjo can be a very pungent grow, and indoor gardeners looking to keep their operations discreet should look into odor control measures like exhaust fans.

Don’t be put off by its unusual aroma — Banjo offers potent, long-lasting effects that appeal to indica and sativa lovers alike. The strain is a great way to unwind with some friends after a long day.